Project title: Digitalisation and Automation of the Production Process
Project objective: Acquisition and implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system
Project number: DIGI/2024/282
Duration of the project: 04/2024 – 03/2026
On 2 April 2024, agreement No. 17.2-5-L-2024/174 was signed with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia for the implementation of the project “Digitalisation and Automation of the Production Process”.
The level of automation and digitalisation of the existing resource planning and production processes of SIA Baltic Zinc Technics is rated as average. The company has implemented automated solutions in the production process to support its core business. Planning of production processes takes place manually with different computer programs that are not interconnected, which is time-consuming and creates duplication of effort. The low level of digitalisation in specific production planning processes significantly reduces the capacity of orders to be processed, slowing down order fulfilment and production flow.
To digitalise resource planning processes, ensure visibility and traceability of project progress in the production flow, as well as carry out employee time tracking and financial control in general, a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system needs to be purchased and implemented.
The introduction of a new ERP system would prevent production downtime, ensure the timely execution of projects and their tracking in the production flow, optimise planning resources, increase productivity, and digitalise and control processes in general.
The project is implemented under Reform 2.2 of Component 2 “Digital Transformation” and investment “Support for digitalisation of processes in commercial activity” of 2.2.1.r. “Establishment of full-cycle support for business digital transformation with regional scope” of the investment direction “Digital transformation and innovation of enterprises” of the Latvian Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Plan.
The project will be co-financed by the Recovery Fund in the amount of EUR 73,192.40.
#NextgenEU, #InvestEU