
Internal diaphragm


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Esam priecīgi dalīties mūsu sasniegumos ar Bērnu klīnisko universitātes slimnīcu, palīdzot veseļoties mazajiem pacientiem. Read more

We are grateful and happy to share our success with Bērnu Klīniskā Universitātes Slimnīca

Read more ">It would not be possible without our great employees and partners support. Together we can achieve more and become better to help each other.

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Sekojot līdzi inovācijām, esam atjaunojuši rūpnīcas iekārtas un uzstādījuši lielāko cinka vannu, kas ļauj nocinkot vēl lielāka izmēra tērauda konstrukcijas, optimizējot procesus un piedāvājot klientiem izdevīgākus un ātrākus risinājumus. Read more

Following the innovations, we have renovated the factory equipment and installed a larger zinc bath, which allows coating with zinc even larger steel structures, optimizing the processes and offering the clients more cost-effective and faster solutions.

Following the innovations, we have renovated the factory equipment and installed a larger zinc bath, which allows coating with zinc even larger steel structures, optimizing the processes and offering the clients more cost-effective and faster solutions. The dimensions of the bath are 9000 x 3000 x 1600 mm. This is a case when the size really matters!